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J.R Ford

Jacob R Ford discovered his passion for writing in high school despite dreadful English
teachers and completed his first novel when he found himself surprisingly unemployed one university summer. Since then he has worked tirelessly (and often tiredly) to pursue his dream of being a fantasy author. With three books published and writerly business cards on the quick draw, he now introduces himself as such, though the words still feel surreal on his tongue.When not writing, he can be found engineering software, making music, ormourning the temporary closure of HEMA clubs.

Featured Book

Dying sucks. Owl Garcia really doesn’t want to do it again.

But reincarnating into a fantasy world is tough for a jobless high school dropout.

Owl’s only path to survival is to find his first ever job, earn the trust of a kingdom of idiots, and forge a team strong enough to protect him.

An unknown goddess reincarnated him for unknown reasons. But if she thinks Owl will be her obedient pawn, she’s mistaken.

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