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Allison Dykes

I don’t tend to talk about myself much, but I’m a small town girl that keeps getting stuck in larger towns than
I’m comfortable driving in. I hold a degree in music and am always reading into things that interest me. Happily involved in polyamorous relationship with two wonderful people and constantly playing with any small furry animals I come across.

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Ashleigh was a normal girl living life; two loving parents, a best friend that was a joy to be around, and a laid back time at school.

Then one day, that entire existence is turned on it’s side.

Magic is real, monsters are real, and what is largely considered myth is actually true. Ashleigh’s adoptive mother is a Norse elf, classmates and faculty at the school are various creatures in glamours, and her best friend is from a group of what amount to magical sheriffs or game wardens tasked with keeping the general public safe from the dangerous denizens.

This event also awakens the magic latent in Ashleigh which causes a number of headaches for her as well.

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